Short Moral Stories -The Wise Old Owl

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a wise old owl. The owl was known for his wisdom and was respected by all the animals in the forest.

One day, a small bird came to the owl, crying. “What’s the matter, little bird?” asked the owl.

“I have lost my way and can’t find my nest,” replied the bird.

“Don’t worry, little bird. I will help you find your way back,” said the owl.

The owl asked the bird to describe her nest and the surroundings. The bird described her nest as being on a tall tree near a river. The owl knew the forest well and was able to guide the bird back to her nest.

The bird was grateful and thanked the owl. “How can I repay you for your kindness?” asked the bird.

The owl replied, “You don’t have to repay me. But remember, whenever you see someone in trouble, help them without expecting anything in return.”

The bird nodded and promised to remember the owl’s words.

From that day forward, the bird helped anyone she saw in trouble. She shared the owl’s wisdom with other animals in the forest, and soon, the entire forest was filled with animals helping each other.

Moral of the Story: Always help others without expecting anything in return. Your kindness will create a ripple effect and inspire others to do the same.